Virtual Learning Modules


Each of our Virtual Learning Modules consists of a short video followed by a 10-question quiz. The modules provide high-quality, comprehensive education. These can be used in your gym or as part of your home-based cardiopulmonary rehab program.

Case managers assign any of eleven specific modules based on a patient's individual needs. Each module ends with a 10-question quiz and the quiz results are emailed  to the patient's case manager for review. This feedback loop provides a clear way of tracking the education that has been provided to patients. Case managers can then use their one-on-one time with the patients to clarify any topics that patients did not fully understand.


“...the Intelligent Option home-based modules are now an integral part of our cardiac rehab program. They have stream-lined our educational process while providing a feedback method that demonstrates patient understanding and/or need for remediation/reinforcement. This has decreased our workload and increased both staff and patient satisfaction. Thank you!”

— Patricia Cravens, RN, CCRP, Morris Hospital, Morris, IL

How it Works


Designed specifically for cardiopulmonary rehab patients, our nine learning modules are engaging and use patient-centered language to present information and concepts in ways that are easy to understand. Important information about diseases and risk factors is taught in small, digestible pieces for easy retention and interspersed with relevant quotes and images. Each module is comprehensive, covering a specific topic.


Case managers assign only the modules their patients need, providing a customized, meaningful learning experience. Patients can learn in the gym or in their own homes and move through the modules at their own pace. Each module ends with a 10-question quiz and the quiz results can be emailed  to the patient's case manager for review. This feedback loop provides a clear way of tracking the education that has been provided to patients.

The eleven modules include:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • COPD
  • Blood lipid management
  • Diabetes
  • Exercise
  • Heart healthy nutrition
  • HTN and blood pressure management
  • Respiratory system
  • Smoking cessation
  • Stress management
  • Weight loss

Why it Works

The Intelligent Option works for five simple reasons:

  • The language is patient-centered, making it easy to understand and digest.
  • Information is presented in an engaging format and the quizzes are designed to emphasize the most important points in each module.
  • Patients can access vital educational material in the gym or in the comfort of their homes, at their own pace.
  • The fully-referenced information provides the education patients need to make healthier lifestyle choices.
  • Detailed quiz results allow case managers to use their one-on-one time with patients more efficiently by focusing only on information the patients missed on the quiz.

Accessing the Modules and Quizzes

Once a cardiopulmonary rehab program purchases a subscription, The Intelligent Option will provide a customized link to the virtual learning modules. Case managers then share the link with patients, who access the modules using a computer or tablet. 


Our programs are sold together as an annual subscription for $800. All eleven modules and the three streaming gym-based program can be used by all of your patients for a 12-month period.

Have Questions?

Please refer to our FAQs.